hello! welcome to my arcade. this space is where i will catalogue my collection, as well as share short thoughts, praise or criticism about what i have played. my thoughts are usually messy and unscrambled so if you are looking for coherent or professional reviews-this will not be the place for you. however, i will write what i think about these games and that will include my personal feelings, thoughts, and biases.
my games are sorted by console, but other than that, they are not in any kind of special order. i do not collect unopened games, as i like to enjoy my purchases even if it means "devalue-ing" them by opening the wrap.
currently, most of my collection contains games from the ps2 era and beyond, but i would like to buy some older psx games that i played in my childhood.
I have been collecting these consoles over the years. All of these were bought upon the console's release, so they are plenty old. The PSX and all Gameboy versions were bought by my parents though (lol) but I've held onto these things because I am very sentimental but also, I like to hoard and collect things that pertain to my hobbies. Not a fan of Microsoft/Xbox so I don't have any of those despite owning a copy of Lost Odyssey.
SONYdetails about my PC setup ^_^
CURRENT SETUPlittle notes and whatnot i have on games that i've played on sony consoles.
click image to read more
little notes and whatnot i have on games that i've played on nintendo consoles.
click image to read more
all my vidya. under construction cuz im too lazy to list everything!
SONYpics of my stuff