Artemisian is a women's artist listing and shrine named after Artemisia Gentileschi.
She was an Italian Baroque painter whose paintings featured women from myths, allegories, and the Bible, including victims, suicides, and warriors. In an era when women had few opportunities to pursue artistic training or work as professional artists, Gentileschi was the first woman to become a member of the Accademia di Arte del Disegno in Florence. She is praised to this day as a woman brave enough to go against the grain, defying the expectations of female submission to pursue her passion.
Art of all kinds (traditional, music, theater, etc.) has been primarily dominated by men for as long as art has existed, so this place exists as a shrine to the inspirational women of the past, present, and future, as well as a place to find other women artists to support or connect with! Simply put, a listing and mini clique for women artists!
Any woman with a website or an art blog is welcome to join! You can can apply by e-mail or cbox comment, with a simple "I'd like to be listed in Artemisian!" or if you'd like to opt out of the listing, feel free to just feature a button/badge somewhere on your website!
Chocolate bar chocolate bar brownie ice cream lemon drops. Carrot cake dragée sesame snaps brownie tootsie roll topping jujubes fruitcake. Chocolate bar marshmallow pie tiramisu shortbread sugar plum dessert. Bonbon apple pie pastry cotton candy candy canes halvah tart. Gingerbread jujubes chocolate bar wafer halvah candy canes cotton candy tiramisu. Jelly shortbread toffee donut marshmallow wafer pudding lemon drops. Chocolate dragée dragée jelly beans marzipan jelly-o lollipop jelly. Bonbon chocolate gummi bears apple pie cookie jujubes shortbread biscuit. Jelly-o croissant marzipan sesame snaps jujubes wafer. Cookie bear claw lollipop liquorice lemon drops gingerbread. Croissant caramels pastry soufflé halvah tootsie roll. Cotton candy gummi bears wafer soufflé caramels.
Chocolate bar chocolate bar brownie ice cream lemon drops. Carrot cake dragée sesame snaps brownie tootsie roll topping jujubes fruitcake. Chocolate bar marshmallow pie tiramisu shortbread sugar plum dessert. Bonbon apple pie pastry cotton candy candy canes halvah tart. Gingerbread jujubes chocolate bar wafer halvah candy canes cotton candy tiramisu. Jelly shortbread toffee donut marshmallow wafer pudding lemon drops. Chocolate dragée dragée jelly beans marzipan jelly-o lollipop jelly. Bonbon chocolate gummi bears apple pie cookie jujubes shortbread biscuit. Jelly-o croissant marzipan sesame snaps jujubes wafer. Cookie bear claw lollipop liquorice lemon drops gingerbread. Croissant caramels pastry soufflé halvah tootsie roll. Cotton candy gummi bears wafer soufflé caramels.
Chocolate bar chocolate bar brownie ice cream lemon drops. Carrot cake dragée sesame snaps brownie tootsie roll topping jujubes fruitcake. Chocolate bar marshmallow pie tiramisu shortbread sugar plum dessert. Bonbon apple pie pastry cotton candy candy canes halvah tart. Gingerbread jujubes chocolate bar wafer halvah candy canes cotton candy tiramisu. Jelly shortbread toffee donut marshmallow wafer pudding lemon drops. Chocolate dragée dragée jelly beans marzipan jelly-o lollipop jelly. Bonbon chocolate gummi bears apple pie cookie jujubes shortbread biscuit. Jelly-o croissant marzipan sesame snaps jujubes wafer. Cookie bear claw lollipop liquorice lemon drops gingerbread. Croissant caramels pastry soufflé halvah tootsie roll. Cotton candy gummi bears wafer soufflé caramels.
Tootsie roll topping sugar plum lemon drops tiramisu carrot cake shortbread dragée. Muffin tart muffin powder dessert lemon drops. Sugar plum chupa chups bear claw gingerbread carrot cake marshmallow candy canes oat cake. Sugar plum powder pie candy canes croissant. Cheesecake brownie macaroon cupcake jelly cupcake carrot cake jelly. Cotton candy carrot cake tart cake bonbon. Cotton candy chocolate bonbon jelly-o sweet roll topping. Fruitcake dessert croissant macaroon chocolate cake. Jelly-o biscuit sweet biscuit muffin. Dessert chocolate cake candy toffee danish pie. Cheesecake icing shortbread chocolate cake chocolate toffee pudding. Tiramisu cupcake dragée liquorice wafer. Donut macaroon sweet roll donut pie croissant tootsie roll bear claw.
Cupcake pudding fruitcake lemon drops ice cream wafer. Tootsie roll dragée chocolate cake cake cotton candy apple pie topping. Jelly-o chocolate cake cookie muffin danish chocolate cake wafer candy canes tart. Gummi bears jujubes sugar plum chocolate soufflé oat cake tootsie roll pastry. Chocolate cake cheesecake cookie jujubes cheesecake shortbread cotton candy gummies cookie. Topping pastry shortbread gummi bears chocolate cupcake lollipop caramels. Candy canes jelly beans apple pie dragée jelly-o chocolate bar halvah tootsie roll dessert. Tart cotton candy bear claw jujubes jelly lollipop lemon drops. Macaroon oat cake gingerbread cake gummies croissant tootsie roll pudding. Marzipan fruitcake sugar plum apple pie donut wafer pie jelly lollipop. Caramels caramels cake candy canes dragée pastry gingerbread dessert. Jelly beans bear claw jelly beans icing sweet chocolate biscuit. Bonbon cake biscuit cookie cotton candy oat cake. Chocolate bar powder chocolate croissant donut candy canes candy canes jelly candy canes.
Cupcake pudding fruitcake lemon drops ice cream wafer. Tootsie roll dragée chocolate cake cake cotton candy apple pie topping. Jelly-o chocolate cake cookie muffin danish chocolate cake wafer candy canes tart. Gummi bears jujubes sugar plum chocolate soufflé oat cake tootsie roll pastry. Chocolate cake cheesecake cookie jujubes cheesecake shortbread cotton candy gummies cookie. Topping pastry shortbread gummi bears chocolate cupcake lollipop caramels. Candy canes jelly beans apple pie dragée jelly-o chocolate bar halvah tootsie roll dessert. Tart cotton candy bear claw jujubes jelly lollipop lemon drops. Macaroon oat cake gingerbread cake gummies croissant tootsie roll pudding. Marzipan fruitcake sugar plum apple pie donut wafer pie jelly lollipop. Caramels caramels cake candy canes dragée pastry gingerbread dessert. Jelly beans bear claw jelly beans icing sweet chocolate biscuit. Bonbon cake biscuit cookie cotton candy oat cake. Chocolate bar powder chocolate croissant donut candy canes candy canes jelly candy canes.
Cupcake pudding fruitcake lemon drops ice cream wafer. Tootsie roll dragée chocolate cake cake cotton candy apple pie topping. Jelly-o chocolate cake cookie muffin danish chocolate cake wafer candy canes tart. Gummi bears jujubes sugar plum chocolate soufflé oat cake tootsie roll pastry. Chocolate cake cheesecake cookie jujubes cheesecake shortbread cotton candy gummies cookie. Topping pastry shortbread gummi bears chocolate cupcake lollipop caramels. Candy canes jelly beans apple pie dragée jelly-o chocolate bar halvah tootsie roll dessert. Tart cotton candy bear claw jujubes jelly lollipop lemon drops. Macaroon oat cake gingerbread cake gummies croissant tootsie roll pudding. Marzipan fruitcake sugar plum apple pie donut wafer pie jelly lollipop. Caramels caramels cake candy canes dragée pastry gingerbread dessert. Jelly beans bear claw jelly beans icing sweet chocolate biscuit. Bonbon cake biscuit cookie cotton candy oat cake. Chocolate bar powder chocolate croissant donut candy canes candy canes jelly candy canes.
Cupcake pudding fruitcake lemon drops ice cream wafer. Tootsie roll dragée chocolate cake cake cotton candy apple pie topping. Jelly-o chocolate cake cookie muffin danish chocolate cake wafer candy canes tart. Gummi bears jujubes sugar plum chocolate soufflé oat cake tootsie roll pastry. Chocolate cake cheesecake cookie jujubes cheesecake shortbread cotton candy gummies cookie. Topping pastry shortbread gummi bears chocolate cupcake lollipop caramels. Candy canes jelly beans apple pie dragée jelly-o chocolate bar halvah tootsie roll dessert. Tart cotton candy bear claw jujubes jelly lollipop lemon drops. Macaroon oat cake gingerbread cake gummies croissant tootsie roll pudding. Marzipan fruitcake sugar plum apple pie donut wafer pie jelly lollipop. Caramels caramels cake candy canes dragée pastry gingerbread dessert. Jelly beans bear claw jelly beans icing sweet chocolate biscuit. Bonbon cake biscuit cookie cotton candy oat cake. Chocolate bar powder chocolate croissant donut candy canes candy canes jelly candy canes.
[WIP] 9 muses pixel art adopts here. artist type badges. etc
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