Frequently Asked Questions

about the website & html:

How did you learn to code? How long does it take you to make a layout?

: I am self taught and learned to code years ago on places like Neopets, Smackjeeves, and Myspace. I really relied on places like lissaexplains to learn. I got rusty over the years as places with customization slowly disappeared but in the past 5-ish years, my interest renewed and I was able to learn more neat CSS much easier as an adult. To make the bones of a layout (the divs and arrangement) is the easiest and shortest part of the process for me, taking anywhere from a few minutes to an hour if particularly extensive. The longest, hardest part is deciding the "aesthetic" and picking out/swapping graphics. This can take me anywhere from an hour to days lol.

Can you make me a code? Can you help me code my website?

: Short answer: no. Long answer: I may help you if you ask me a *specific* question via cbox or e-mail. It depends on what free time I have, but typically I don't answer. However I do have a page that has html/css styling tips and tricks here annd F2U templates here!

What is that widget on your home page?

: The widget is available here.

How do you come up with the theme of your layouts?

: I will literally base the entire thing off of a single gif/png of my choosing and fiddle with the colors, aesthetic, and arrangement until I'm satisfied. I don't really have an explainable method sorry...

Where do you get your graphics and pixels?

: From an old harddrive of mine filled with stuff from lost/dead websites from the early 00s (some of that stuff is available here, random pixel tumblrs when I'm lazy, or I create them myself (some of that stuff is available here. If a graphic of mine is not on my /sozai page, it's NOT free for use, sorry.)

Why isn't your site mobile friendly?

: It has nothing to do with being contrarian, I'm just lazy and can't be bothered to do it. Also, besides being a diary, I treat this website the way I do my art: I won't compromise my vision for others. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

When will you finish [PAGE] or update [LISTING]?

: Eventually. Maybe. I have lots of plans but limited time and energy.

Who are the characters on /home?

: My darling ocs Milky and Diesel.

about the webmaster:

What does lapin mean?

: It's French for rabbit!

Did you get my e-mail? Why you didn't reply?

: Sorry it's either: 1.) I'm lazy. 2.) I'm tired or 3.) I forgot. I'm really bad at socializing and keeping up with people.

Can I add you on Steam / PSN / etc. ?

: Sure but I will likely never play with you lol (I mostly play solo rpgs!)

Can I message you just to chat?

: Sure, but I can't promise a reply! I'm very reclusive, even to those I consider my friends :')

Are you Asian?

: Yes, half. Shoutout to my fellow blasians ♥

You're friends with.. / I saw you interacting with.. / Did you know that..

: Go outside.

Where else can I find you?

: Besides Toyhouse or on a niche forum, nowhere. I don't have any active presence on social media besides a barely used Xitter for my fandom antics.


What the heck does beyond the beyond mean in your footer?

: Beyond time! And space! And everything! It's also actually a reference to a 1995 Camelot jrpg on the Playstation. It was one of the first games we got on it. I never beat it...

Why didn't you follow me back?

: I don't subscribe to the soc media mentality of F4F. If I didn't follow you back it could be because you're a minor or your website just does not appeal to me (sorry, no hard feelings!) I like to follow artists, fashionistas, & writers. I don't care about "old web aesthetics", faux scene, or anything like that.

Can I use any of the art you made for my website?

: Absolutely not unless it's from here.

Can we do an art trade? How can I contact you for one?

: If you have my discord, you can message me there. Otherwise a cbox or e-mail inquiry is good. I still have some trades to finish that have been on my list forever (sorry!) so it may be a bit before I get back to you.

Can I draw gift art of Milky?

: Of course, that would make me so happy! Feel free to post a link to it in my guestbook and I'll add it to her gallery! (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+

Can I request specific sozai?

: Drop a comment in my cbox!

Pineapple on pizza?

: It's a yes for me dawg, I actually think it's quite delicious! (This isn't a frequently asked question but an important one. ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ )