⚠: These are Fallout OCs created by me & Poopy so they are completely & utterly self-indulgent...Turn back if you hate cringe lol!!

Two unlikely companions on their way to a new home: Foundation.

about edie

Edith Hart-Mizuno

AKA Edie

「 Hey, go play Robin Hood with somebody else's heart. 」

Role: Vault Dweller Affiliation: Responders
Race: Asian Gender: Female
Build: 5'3" / Slim Zodiac: Cancer
Specialty 1: Chemist Specialty 2: Heavy Gunner
Traits: Upbeat, empathetic, resilient Likes: Daydreaming, reading, costumes

Edie was born and raised in the controlled and protective confines of Vault 76 by two carefully selected inhabitants from a neighboring state, a tech engineer and a doctor. From a young age, she was known for her boundless curiosity and infectious cheerfulness, traits that endeared her to everyone in the Vault. Edie was excited at the opportunity that Reclaimation Day gave to explore the outside world. She sets out on a journey to learn more about post-war America and eventually runs into Jeremiah, a seasoned wastelander that quickly becomes her most trusted partner.


When the day finally came to leave Vault 76, Edie embraced it with open arms. Armed with her innate curiosity and a heartfelt desire to help rebuild the world, she ventured into the Wasteland with a mix of excitement and determination. Her path soon led her to the Responders, a group dedicated to providing aid and support to survivors across Appalachia.

Edie quickly found her place among the Responders, using her positive attitude and resourcefulness to make a significant impact. Whether she was tending to the wounded, distributing supplies, or offering words of encouragement, she embodied the spirit of the cause. Her ability to find hope in the darkest of times became a source of inspiration for those around her.

After a couple of months with the Responders, Edie eventually grows restless. She feels that maybe something is missing, or maybe there's something bigger out there for her. Shedding her Responder coveralls, she leaves the Gilman Lumber Mill to set out to find her own path. As she dons her Vault suit once again, she feels more ready than ever.

  • She has a higher pitched, lilting voice.
  • Appearance: A round heart-shaped face with high cheekbones. Straight eyebrows. She has large dark brown, almond-shaped eyes that are usually smeared with some kind of kohl. A thin scar across her lip and a rather small but plump mouth. She's fairly thin.
  • Jeremiah's nicknames for her: "darlin'" (used the most), "sweetheart", and other cute Southerner petnames lol
  • Edie speaks with a 1950s flair since she's from a Vault. She speaks the way they do in old movies/tv shows-says stuff like "Gosh / Golly / Gee / Okie dokie" and other cutesy slang you'd think of when you think of post-war America. She's a rambler-a very animated speaker, excitable and gesticulates a lot in contrast to Jeremiah's more calm way of speaking/moving.
  • Edie is very intelligent and quite capable despite her small stature. She's headstrong ("As stubborn as she is cute."), filled with integrity and lives by Vault-Tec approved ethics. Don't be silly and take her kindness or wasteland ignorance for weakness.
  • Song: Stupid Cupid - Connie Francis

about jeremiah


「 He's here to do some business with the big iron on his hip. 」

Role: Wastelander Affiliation: N/A
Race: Caucasian Gender: Male
Build: 5'11" / Athletic Zodiac: Leo
Specialty 1: Rifleman Specialty 2: Heavy Gunner
Traits: Stalwart, reticent, objective Likes: Wood carving, sharpsooting, Nuka Cola

Jeremiah is a wastelander new to Appalachia, traveling from the south because of rumors that the region was being resettled and built anew. With a mind as sharp as the blade of his trusty combat knife, he navigated the dangers of Appalachia with a quick wit and a keen intellect. His strategic prowess is matched only by his proficiency with firearms, earning him a reputation as one of the finest gunslingers in the region.

Stoic but not completely unkind, Jeremiah is usually seen with a stern or serious expression. Can be dour sometimes, though. He takes his work very seriously. Jeremiah tends to be precise and a perfectionist, not taking failures (of his own or others') lightly. At heart though, he is a well-mannered and charming southern gentleman. He has his moments of good humor with those he's close with, particularly Edie.


In the unforgiving expanse of the post-apocalyptic world, Jeremiah stood out because of his unyielding resolve and quiet strength. Born in the desolate ruins of a pre-war town far from the safety of Vaults, he grew up amidst the harsh realities of the Wasteland, where survival was a daily struggle and hope was a rare commodity. His childhood was spent learning the brutal lessons of life outside the Vaults, honing his skills as a hunter and a scavenger, and forging a character of ironclad discipline and stoicism.

Jeremiah's journey to Appalachia was driven by whispers and rumors – tales of a land being reclaimed, rebuilt, and resettled. Unlike many of his contemporaries who might have scoffed at such rumors, he saw in them a glimmer of opportunity, a chance to find purpose and perhaps a place to call home. With little more than his trusted rifle and an unshakeable determination, he trekked through the treacherous terrain, navigating both the physical dangers and the moral complexities of a world in chaos.

Stoic and serious by nature, Jeremiah is a man of few words, but his actions speak volumes. His kind heart is revealed through his interactions with the fellow survivors he meets along his journey – always willing to lend a helping hand or share a meager meal, despite his own sparse provisions. Yet, his kindness is tempered by a perfectionist streak; he holds himself and those around him to the highest standards, believing that in a world so broken, only through meticulous effort and unrelenting dedication can true progress be achieved.

  • He has a charming Southern drawl. When he tips his hat with a "ma'am" addressing Edie, it flusters her :3
  • Appearance: Tall and athletic build. Nose is on the larger side but straight and pointed. He has dimples but you would never know it because he doesn't smile a ton.
  • Oddly handsome and healthy looking (clear skin, etc.) for a wastelander. (Why? Because I said so!!!!!!)
  • Jeremiah grew up in Alabama with his only remaining family members being his father and older brother. He had a sickly mother that passed away due to the harsh conditions of the wasteland. Jeremiah loses his father and brother, and their small community of homesteaders/farmers to violence from raiders. He was pretty young when it happened (13-ish) so he had to learn the lessons of the wastelands on his own from getting swindled, robbed, held hostage, etc. This is why he's so closed off. With prior knowledge of firearms and such from his father, he grew savvy to the wasteland and developed something of a skewed moral compass akin to Robin Hood-lying, cheating, stealing-but for the benefit of himself and of kindly travelers, settlers, and communities he came across on his way to West Virginia.
  • He has a deep Southern accent, saying things like "What're you doin'?" vs "What are you doing?" / "woulda, coulda, shoulda" vs. "could've, would've, should've" etc. He would say something like "Well, ain't that a bite." in place of "That's too bad."
  • He has more of a Southern drawl than a Southern twang. He's not the type to ramble and tends to speak in pretty short sentences-not the type for flowery language. He's got the habit of crossing his arms when speaking or tilting his head back slightly to look through the brim of his (cowboy) hat.
  • Song: Big Iron - Marty Robbins


the meeting

It was one of those rare days when the sun peeked through the ever-present clouds, casting a warm, hopeful glow on the ruins of Flatwoods. Edie was exploring the old library, completely absorbed in the dusty, forgotten stories of the past. Her humming filled the quiet space, a habit she picked up to keep loneliness at bay. She didn’t notice Jeremiah at first – a tall, imposing figure moving with the grace and caution of someone who’s seen too much danger, rife in his hands at the ready. When she finally looked up and saw him, she was startled but quickly greeted him with a smile.

“Hi there! Didn’t expect to find another soul in this place,” she said brightly.

Jeremiah didn’t respond right away, just watched her with piercing eyes. There was something about him – a quiet strength, a seriousness that seemed to ground the very air around him. When he finally spoke, his voice was measured and cautious. “It’s dangerous to be out here alone.”

traveling together

After their initial meeting, Jeremiah offered to accompany Edie, citing the dangers of the Wasteland. At first, she thought he might be just another gruff wastelander, but she quickly realized there was more to him. As they traveled together, she couldn’t help but admire his meticulous nature and the way he handled every challenge with calm precision. He seemed so different from the people she grew up with in the Vault – there was a depth to him that drew her in, made her want to understand him better.

Jeremiah and Edie developed a partnership based on mutual respect and complementary skills. Edie brought a sense of hope and lightheartedness to their journey, often lifting Jeremiah's spirits with her stories and songs. She had a knack for finding joy in the smallest things – a patch of wildflowers blooming in the rubble, an old and weathered teddy bear found amongst the dirt, or the rare moments of peace in their travels.

Jeremiah, in turn, provided Edie with the guidance and protection she needed to navigate the perilous wasteland. His experience and strategic mind helped them avoid numerous threats, and his meticulous nature ensured that they were always well-prepared for whatever challenges came their way. Slowly, his stoic exterior began to soften, and he found himself opening up to Edie in ways he had never done with anyone else.

One evening, while they were camping under a starlit sky, Edie asked him about his past. He was reluctant at first, but slowly, he opened up. He spoke of his life outside the Vault, the harsh lessons he’d learned, and his journey to Appalachia. She shared her own stories, too – the dreams she had growing up in Vault 76, her hopes for the future, and her work with the Responders. His serious demeanor softened as he listened, and she saw a side of him that was tender and thoughtful.

edie's feelings

It wasn’t long before Edie realized she was falling for Jeremiah. There was something incredibly comforting about his presence. Despite his stoic exterior, he had a kindness that showed in the smallest of gestures – the way he always made sure she was safe, how he would silently leave the last bit of food for her, even when she knew he was just as hungry.

Jeremiah made her feel protected in a world that was anything but safe, and in return, she brought a bit of light into his life. He often said her optimism was contagious, that her positive outlook made even the bleakest days a bit brighter. And truth be told, she loved the way he looked at her – with a mixture of admiration and gentle amusement, as if he couldn’t quite believe how someone could be so hopeful in a place so broken.




  • Ye..Edie & Jeremiah started off as our characters for FO76 but as usual I fixate on silly stuff and asked Poopy to develop them with me as actual characters. They were created a year before the show aired pleeeease don't compare her to Lucy (love her tho lol) T_T
  • Jeremiah is supposed to have a scar above his eyebrow but I always forget to draw it oops
  • Yes their appearances are based on mine and Poopy's LOL please leave me alone ;_; "oxford study" go back to tiktok ty
  • Jeremiah is not really affiliated with the Enclave, I just like how the uniform looks (っ˘ڡ˘ς)
  • Jedie image songs: Blue Velvet, Fascination, Love is Strange - Mickey Baker
