Excuse the mess! Work in Progress.

Welcome to the reading nook. There are writings, books, articles, and links to organizations that may help, educate, or entertain you in some way! Some of these books and resources mean a lot to me, they are pretty revealing and contain topics that are quite intimate, so I ask that you please be kind. :)

DISCLAIMER: I kindly ask that you do NOT save my scans or upload them to any platforms like Pinterest or your own websites. These come from my personal collection which I have PAID for. Thank you for understanding!

Links will open in a new window.


05.22.24: It's been a while! Added Angel Numbers to /esoterica.

01.08.24: Just some code clean up, nothing new here!

12.07.23: Page recreated and finally uploaded!


All about the mysterious, arcane and magical. Just for fun!

Floriography: Read all about the meanings of different flowers and grab yourself a little adoptable while you're there!
Astrology: Western astrology information about your sign, plus graphics, and horoscopes! *WIP*
Angel Numbers: Tune into the celestial and discover the meaning of that number you keep seeing around!
Chinese Zodiac. Coming soon! ♥


Fashion, cooking, hobbies...

Fruits:fashion scans here *WIP*
Good Housekeeping; The Complete Book of Cake Decorating: Scans of a vintage cake decorating magazine. *WIP*
CrochetL *WIP*

milky's musings

Articles and resources written by Miss Milky herself!

The Ethicality of Dupes: Are knock-offs worth it? Read about her opinions on the morality of dupes and knock-offs and look at some comparison photos. *WIP*
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!


Books, articles, and links to organizations that may help you in some way! General self-help and improvement, trauma, PTSD, and healing.

Entries marked with the Milky Thumbs Up are my personal favorites and are resources that I've used or participated in.

Unconsenting Media A search engine for sexual violence in media. Use this database to curate your media experiences!
Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success
The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk
Content Warning: Some graphic depictions of abuse and trauma.
How to Do the Work: Recognize Your Patterns, Heal from Your Past, and Create Your Self
The Mental Load: You Should Have Asked by Emma
Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Barcroft
A book that has helped out someone close to me. I hope this can help someone out there!
HELP! I'm Living with a (Man) Boy by Betty McLellan
A book discussed in the #help channel of a discord reading club I used to be in. General consensus: helpful to those that need it, an interesting read if you don't. Confession: I haven't read this one ( ̄y▽ ̄)╭


Various books and resources on the things I care about.


Let's do some good for ourselves, our neighbors, and our planet.

Banned Books You can have books that have been banned and/or challenged in Florida sent to someone in Florida at the cost of shipping. Send anything educational or even fictional. I personally use this to send books to teens and young adults in school!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!


Women from all walks of life, cultures, and countries deserve to learn and stand together. We are stronger together!

Interesting reads, personal accounts, organizations, and so on.
Not all opinions reflect my own, however do I feel it is important to read things that you may or may not agree with for the sake of knowledge and understanding!

Florida NOW: National Organization for Women Advocating for constitutional equality, reproductive rights, LGBT, unbanning books & more!
A World Without Men by Anna Louie Sussman

The women of South Korea's 4B Movement aren't fighting the patriarchy—they're leaving it behind entirely.

National Women's Law Center Aiding assault surviors through litigation and outreach programs.
The Invisible Girl Project Protecting Indian girls from gendercide and helping provide education and counseling. Empowering girls through education!
Kakenya's Dream Working to end child marriages and female genital mutilation. Investing in girls from rural Kenya through educational, health, and leadership initiatives to create agents of change.
Lunar Library A comprehensive list of writings by and about women.
Reader discretion advised. May contain uncomfortable, triggering, or polarizing writings.
Girls Not Brides The global partnership working to end child, early, and forced marriages in over 100 countries so girls can fulfil their potential.

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