Halt, Inquisitor! This place lies barren, naught but a half-formed dream. Step lightly, and temper thy hopes —
for there is little here yet.

nathaniel chibi by suitservice!

Mea Culpa

This is a sanctuary for the lost and wretched.


'Hark! Creatures of the night do not only lurk in the shadows!'

Hushed murmurs carry in the wind, whispers of fiends glimpsed in shadow, their wretched shapes prowling from humble hamlets to the grandest of capitols. A scourge spreads across the land, unseen yet felt, it's grasp tightening with each passing night.

Into this dark tide strides Father Nathaniel Valentine, a fledgling among the esteemed Grand Inquisitors. The Church, ever watchful, bids him root out the horrors that fester in the souls of men — spectral and infernal alike. At his side walks the Penitent Bride, Sister Charlotte Halloween, her fervor a blade as keen as her faith, her will unyielding.

Yet the rising plague of possession is but the herald of a greater doom: in the shadows, a cabal stirs. A cult of a whispered name, whose wicked hands weave rites to summon forth the Dark Lord himself. Against this dire horror, priest and bride steel their resolve. The hunt has only begun.


God bless your soul for He has not blessed mine.


Nathaniel Valentine

Grand Inquisitor

0. The Fool

Charlotte Halloween

Penitent Bride

viii. Strength

Dominic Kennedy

Lord Alchemist

i. The Magician

VII / Seven

Homonculus Irregularis

Xiii. Death

Aleister Crowley

The Black Herald

xv. the devil


Niamh St. Patrick

Penitent Bride

xix. The Sun

Diego Santos

Grand Inquisitor

vii. The Chariot

Amira Easter

Penitent Bride

xx. judgement

Ezra G. Friday

Grand Inquisitor

xi. justice

Yumiko Eve

Character Role

ii. the high priestess

Ainsley St. Andrew

Character Role

v. the hierophant

Hilde Yule

Character Role

xvii. the star

Jakob Godwin-Noël

Character Role

xviii. the moon


Lady Mercy Corvus


Vi. The Lovers

Elaine Beauclerc

Plague Doctor

Vi. The Lovers


Plague Nurse

xiv. temperance

Garrett Clarke

Paranormal Investigator

xii. the hanged man

Imogen O'Connor

Paranormal Analyst

x. the wheel of fortune

II / Two


Ace of Cups

The Baron


ix. the hermit


Holy Executioner

xxi. the world

Alba Rosenduel

Witch Hunter

xvi. the tower



iv. the emperor


The Accursed

iii. the empress