


animal city - acnh

bienvenue! ♡

Welcome to my little corner of the internet, Lovesick! Best viewed on desktop, in Chrome or Edge. This website is not optimized for mobile. This is my personal space: a digital scrapbook, diary, and art gallery. I am just a mere hobbyist so my CSS & HTML skills are nowhere near polished but all that matters is that I'm having fun! ♡

Thank you for visiting my site and enjoy your stay!

Web Clap by FC2

Unique Visitors: Current Viewers:

more in links!

hello patient, are you feeling lovesick?

please take a seat, and while you wait, enjoy some light reading. ♡

reading nook
ls archives kiriban


What's the scoop? The latest & greatest here at Lovesick. . .

Art Log

Ah, Spring is almost here! It's been so sunny and lovely——a sharp contrast to how I've been feeling lately, truthfully. I was a bit down and overwhelmed with quite a few things, and I had written quite the heartfelt (and sad) diary entry about it a couple weeks ago but....

i'm doing my bi-yearly bloodborne playthrough and it made me nostalgic for a fandom oc i created when i first played the game back in 2015. the brainworms infected me again, so i decided to give Cygne (swan in French) a fresh coat of paint...

visit angel numbers?

visit digital planner?

read more? read more?

Did you know that lapin is French for rabbit?

hobbies are hard work! stuff i'd like to get done in the near future. an evergrowing and everchanging list.


  • lovesick v4
  • replace 'souvenirs' with homemade gifs and pixels!
  • make an 'adoptables' directory
  • remake voracity oc profiles
  • /myroom makeover AGAIN x.x
  • update outdated layouts: /foodlog, /teatime, /photolog, /readinglist, /artfaq, /faves (add blurbs too), /sotm, /holygrails, /hobbylog
  • /astrology, /floriography, /angelnumbers, /birthstones, /siteguardian
  • work on /credits remake /credits layout
  • move nanamin shrine out of /myroom and make new layout plus add my yumejo stuff to it ;;;;
  • draw and add custom emotes to /cbox
  • update sitemap with new links/delete old links
  • add content to /workbag
  • /recipe page. maybe add onto /husbento? speaking of...finally work on that page too..
  • /skincare [WIP]
  • work on more original assets and pixel art for LS! goal: everything homemade [WIP]


  • update my bookshelf pic on /myroom landing with new one
  • add area for quick reviews/stars in /vanity
  • take new photos of all my figures x_x


  • /ocs: remake Dior, Melody Milli, Aelynthi, & Kalopsia pages. Diesel
  • arthropdemons section to /ocs


  • separate my ticchan shrine into general & CT side
  • style savvy shrine [WIP]
  • RiSo shrine to indulge my teenage self :3c
  • Kaitou Saint Tail shrine
  • shrine for septerra core!!!! will anyone read it? no but idc
  • parasite eve shrine (sidenote: ADD A 3RD BIRTHDAY HATE SECTION LMAO)
  • lies of p shrine
  • bloodborne shrine
  • add content to /arcade
  • add more content to /acnh (once i start playing again rip)
  • yuna shrine
  • shadow hearts shrine
  • resize tifa shrine, add content
  • emil shrine/nier
  • redo animanga layout. add thoughts and such.
  • karuta layout?

about the site

Lovesick was created on a whim in 2021, after a long fit of boredom with current uncustomizable social media. I found Neocities through a friend, and after searching through her site and going through all her links, I fell in love! I was instantly reminded of my early internet experience, when there were plenty of hobby websites on hosts like Geocities and Angelfire. I enjoyed seeing glimpses of people's personalities and inner worlds, and thought, why don't I make a silly site too? My knowledge of HTML & CSS at the time was really outdated and the bare minimum, the most 'coding' I had ever done was either making bare fansites on geocities using tables or trying to make my Xanga flashy years ago. I had really gotten rusty with the rise of modern social media though, and could barely remember what a body tag was.

I grew a bit frustrated and took a break from teaching myself for about a year. I was also burnt out and sad from constant unfulfilling commission work, and trying to appeal to the masses on social media—trying to warp and bend my art and aesthetic vision to something everyone would like. Then during the covid lockdowns, I decided...well, screw it! And deleted most of my social media, and started drawing what I really enjoyed (demons, horror themes, little buggy fellas, and just whatever random designs that popped into my head. Most importantly NO fan art of whatever the trending anime was on social media.) I felt much happier and then randomly, I picked up my website again with that new mindset. Let me build a site that looks appealing to me, and that would just be fun for me to make and browse! And months and months of work later, here is Lovesick V4! My little pride and joy, a silly online journal and scrapbook dedicated to everything I love.

about the mascot

Lovesick's mascot is Miruku! Also nicknamed as Milky. She is a silly little gal created from a discord challenge in my server of close friends a few years back. She started off as basically well...just a drawing. But I quickly fell in love with her! Milky is a bit of a sona I guess—she has all of my sillier traits cranked up to a 1000%. She's also my ideal personality! Someone that is fun, carefree, and effortlessly confident! As an extremely shy introvert, I could never achieve that IRL but that's okay. I can daydream through Milky LOL.

why lovesick?

The title of my website comes from Miruku and her relationship with her BF, Diesel! They are utterly besotten and lovesick for eachother, something I based upon my own IRL relationship with my Poopy. Funnily enough, the assertive and self-assured Milky reflects more of my partner's personality while I'm more like Diesel, grumpy and shy! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ


  • The current mood of lovecrafts at
  • playing: fo76
  • watching: breaking bad
  • working on: artfight
  • commissions: closed
  • art trades: closed
  • requests: friends only

take a souvenir with you!

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